This is an easy flip once you get over the fear and learn the technique. This can be learned on your own but there is a risk of landing on your head. Always best to get a coach for fast and safe progress. Below is a breakdown of all the elements you want for a good backflip.

Common Mistakes
- Not jumping straight up
- Arms not going all the way up, get the biceps to your ears
- Tucking too early, makes the flip fast and landing hard. Fix by hesitating a moment longer before you tuck and spotting something in front of you. It is scary so practice in a way where you can make mistakes and not hurt yourself like a foam pit or harness.
- Tuck not tight, open tucks makes the rotation slow. Fix it by practicing the tuck on the floor.
- Head looking back instead of in front of you. This causes your tuck to lose height forcing you to tuck faster and land harder. This is common in the beginning when you are scared of the flip. Fix it by looking forward and keeping your eyes looking forward at something until you tuck.
- Opening the tuck to soon, slows down the rotation at the end causing the landing to be off balanced. Your feet wont be below you like they should. Fix it by holding the tuck a moment longer than feels comfortable.
- Holding the tuck to long causes you to over rotate. This can happen when you are developing your air sense. Tuck off an elevated mat to get comfortable rotating in the air.
Here is video a compiling most of the drills and techniques for backflip that help people learn it fast!